12/27/15 God's Sovereignty

Saturday, December 26, 2015


Morning Meditation 12/27/15

Colossians 2:10 is still the text.

If I accept Christ as the END (Rom 10:4) and not the means to an end, how do I pursue that course in life? Well, I am a learner and possibly not a teacher at this point. But I will share some thoughts with you.

God's sovereignty must be accepted by faith (Rom 8:28). It is God who brings or allows all the circumstances of life. These circumstances are a means to an end, i.e. being conformed to the image of His Son (Rom 8:29).

Someone has said, "There is a God shaped blank in every man's heart." It has also been said that "there is a man shaped blank in God's heart." What a thought that is. I believe it's true. Think about how God loves us. HE proved this in the incarnation, His personal ministry and at the cross. However, it did not end there. He is the seeker in my personal salvation. I did not seek Him; He sought me. God's love pursues us relentlessly. He is there in everything we do. He orchestrates all the circumstances and allows all the suffering and disappointments to draw us to Himself. When things happen, to whom do we go? I go immediately to Him. And He says, "I have been longing for your fellowship. You had gotten too involved in serving me, or you had gotten drawn off by your own self interests, I love you and wanted your fellowship." Many times I do not hear God's voice in those circumstances, but I bombard the throne of grace His grace with questions about why this is happening to me. I resist God's voice in the circumstances that is saying to me, "I have been missing you. I want your fellowship."

It is hard to imagine that we are so loved by God and so enjoyed by Him. Christ is the answer to our filing that man shaped blank in God's heart. My completeness in him (Col. 2:10) means that He made me in Christ, the wisdom, and righteousness, sanctification and redemption needed to enter that blank space in God's heart.

Every day is a day of decision. I am confronted with choices I must make. I have an old sin nature that wants to distract me and have it's own way. Will I accept God's sovereignty in the situation and thank the Potter who is molding the clay, or will I resist? These things will either break me and bring me anew to worship at the foot of the cross or be a means of rejecting His wilL I must see that all things make up the door that leads to that man shaped blank in God's heart. And, our completeness in Him allows us to enter.

May God bless each of you with whom I share these thoughts. You are welcome to comment or challenge these thoughts. I am learning and I will be glad to learn from you.

In Christ

Earl White

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