10/4/13 Apprehending that for which we are apprehended

Friday, October 4, 2013


Phil. 3:12

Morning Meditation 10/4/2013

Verse 12 says, “Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.”

I believe Paul discovered the secret of successful and joyous living and reveals it in this statement. I am convinced that many Christians fail their whole lives because they fail in the principles set forth in this passage in Philippians.

The words “Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.” Paul never took the position that he had “arrived.” He did not feel that he had reached perfection (Spiritual maturity). He did follow a course for his life. It is of primary importance that every Christian pursue this same goal. Now lets look again at the words “that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Jesus Christ.” The word “apprehend” (katalambano) means “to lay hold of, to lay hold of so as to make one's own, to obtain, attain to.” It is an aorist active subjunctive verb. This simply means that Paul was striving to obtain at some point of time, which at this point had not happened, the realization of that for which he was chosen of God. The active voice means it was a choice he had made. The subjunctive mood means it is possible to obtain this. It is a proper goal. It is proper for me to seek that apprehension for myself.

Paul knew he was called (read Gal. 1:15-16). He knew where he was to spend most of his ministry ( an apostle to the Gentiles). 1 Tim. 2:7 says, “Whereunto I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, (I speak the truth in Christ, and lie not;) a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and verity.” So a lot can be eliminated from what Paul meant in this statement.

Then he says “that for which also I am apprehended.” The word “apprehended” here is the same word as he uses before. Only here it is an aorist passive indicative. The aorist tense in the indicative mood means that this has already taken place. It happened at a point of time in the past. He is probably referring to the Damascus Road experience. It is passive voice which means that Paul is the object of God’s choice. He did not reach down and get a grip on himself and say to himself, “Paul you would make a good preacher and missionary. You go and offer yourself to the Lord. He needs you, Paul. So you just go and offer yourself to him.” This is not what happened. God called Paul and put him in the ministry with a plan to use him in many different ways. Paul wanted to know all God had in mind when he did this. The reason being, Paul wanted to cooperate fully with God’s purpose in his life and not work against it.

For instance, say God has called you to preach and you refuse for what ever reason. You are working against what God had in mind when he saved you. You are denying the blessings and the things that go with that ministry to others whom God intended to bless using you as a channel. There are other spiritual gifts that Christians have been endowed with and they are not using them. And they have reasons. But none of the reasons will stand up at the judgment seat of Christ. You say, “But I just can’t do what I know God has called me to do.” Well, I don’t want to burst your bubble but we all know that. We never thought you could. God didn’t call you to do it because you could. That would only bring glory to yourself. He called you because HE COULD. What he wants you to do is to get seriously involved in what he has called you to do trusting him every step of the way. You say, “There is no way I can be a blessing to other people.” You still haven’t been listening. I did not say you could. What I am saying is that God can take people like us, who are willing to surrender to his will, and who will seriously engage in doing what he has told us to do, trusting him all the way to make effective the ministry we perform and he can take and use that and make it a blessing to many. It is not you who is blessing people. The blessing comes from the Lord in spite of you. Now that is not giving you much credit is it? Well, don’t feel too bad. I’m not giving myself any either! We are here to glorify God, not ourselves.

But in the process Paul said, “Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.” He was a veteran when he said this. Do you have a struggle with “not apprehending that for which you were apprehended?” You are in good company. Paul did not know that either. He did not quit because of it. He was willing to go on serving the Lord without this knowledge. First of all, let me say, it is not wrong for you to seek to apprehend that for which you were apprehended of Christ Jesus.” This is not wrong. It is wrong for you to sit down and say, “Lord, I’m not going to do another thing until you explain this all to me.” God gave Paul the general structure of his calling. He had a framework in which to operate and knew if he stayed within those guidelines he was right with God. But there were many details that God did not explain to Paul. It is some of that which this passage is about.

We must constantly seek the Lord in these matters. This is where the preacher gives himself continually to the ministry of the word and prayer (Acts 6:4). The Lord keeps from us those things that he wants to give us at the proper time and place. We must trust him to have all the information that we desire and that he will give it at the proper time and place. But this is not to say that we should wait. It is still right to seek that for which Paul speaks in this verse. As we continually seek, we will still be seeking when the time comes for him to give us that information.

Do you know why you are apprehended of Christ Jesus? Are you seeking to find out? While you are seeking, what are you doing now? Paul was serving the Lord in prison while he sought that for which he was apprehended. Are you a pastor? Continue to faithfully preform that ministry and while you do join Paul in his pursuit of this truth. Are you an executive? Continue to pursue your career as a Christian and join Paul in his pursuit of this truth.. Are you a house wife and mother? Continue to exercise that sacred responsibility in prayer and wisdom and join Paul in his pursuit of this truth.

Remember, we are apprehended “of Christ Jesus.” He is alive and still the Head of his Church. He continues to walk in the midst of the Seven Golden Candlesticks (Rev. 2:1). He has not ascended into heaven and forgotten us. His silence is not an argument for his unconcern. It is an argument for Faith to act on the information that we already have and wait for further orders.

May the Lord bless you.

In Christ

Bro. White

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