Monday, March 11, 2013

Stay The Course

I Cor 15:58

Theme: THE MANNER OF OUR SERVICE! The context in which this verse is found is of more notable importance than usual because of Paul's use of the word "therefore!" The content of the preceding passage establishes the truth of the resurrection and it's relationship to both the redemption of the sinner and the rapture of the saints! Further, the contrast established by this verse (58) is clear: "The fact that Christ has died for us should motivate us to live for Him!" "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." Notice that we see in this verse:

I. A PERMANENCE EXHORTED! Ver 1a "Be stedfast and unmoveable!"

(1) Stedfast in our dedication for the work of God - vs 1a Stedfast - Gk Hedraios! (hed-rah'-yos) from a derivative of hezomai (to sit), therefore, sitting, sedentary - Attached to a surface and not moving freely, as a barnacle, therefore it means firm, immovable! Don't be moved by things external! Don't allow anyone or anything to move you from your dedication to serve the Lord!

(2) Unmoveable in our doctrine from the Word of God - vs 1a Unmoveable - Gk Ametakinetos! (am-et-ak-in'-ay-tos) a derivative of metakineo (to move from a place, to move away) The negative participle A means not to be moved, to be firmly persistent! Don't be moved by things internal! Don't allow anyone or anything to move us from our doctrinal persuasion that Christ has risen from the dead and is one day returning for his saints in the rapture! Remember that Paul was addressing the truths of the resurrection and the rapture!

(3) The difference between the two words though they are similar is that: stedfast means don't be moved by anyone else and unmoveable means don't be moved by yourself!

II A PERFORMANCE EXPECTED! Ver 1b "Always abounding!" (1) Always defines the frequency of our service - vs 1b Always - Gk Pantote! (pan'-tot-eh) meaning at all times, always, ever! Here the word is used in a positive way and not a negative way! Consider how we use the word "always" in a negative way. We say one is always late, always broke, always complaining, etc.Let a positive "always" describes our ongoing service for the Lord!

(2) Abounding defines the fervency of our service - vs 1bAbounding - Gk Perisseuo! (per-is-syoo'-o) means to exceed a fixed number or measure, to be left over and above a certain number or measure! To excel, to exceed! The word abounding was used to describe a flower going from a bud to full bloom. It is a sad fact indeed that many are faithful but not fervent in their service! Many are abiding but not abounding. Because Christ has died, was buried, and risen for us, because Christ is coming again for us in the rapture, we should be going above and beyond the call of duty in our service for Him.

II A PERSISTENCE EXALTED! Ver 1c "Your labour is not in vain!" (1) We are reminded that this labour is exhausting - vs 1c

Labour - Gk Kopos! (kop'-os) means intense labour united with trouble and toil! To cause weariness! We are to serve the Lord with patient persistence! We are to be patient (hold up under a load) and persistent (stay the course) even though we are exhausted in this service for our Lord. Remember that our Lord told His disciples in Mt 9:38 "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest." He said pray for labourers, not loungers! He knew the work would be hard and tiring!

(2) We are reminded that this labour is rewarding - vs 1c "Is not in vain!" Not in vain - Gk Kenos! (ken-os') means empty, nothing, no purpose! The negative particle translated "not in" turns the word meaning around! The rewards of our faith service are rewarding in the here and now and will be rewarded there and then! What we do for the Lord is worth all the effort because the eternal destinies of men, women, boys and girls are at stake! Strive to be an abounding Christian, don't be content to be just average, remember, when you are only average you are as close to the bottom as you are to the top. The average Christians is like a pillow, the above average Christian like a pillar!

May this be a blessing to our hearts. Thanks to Bro. Rick Stucke.

In Christ

Bro. White

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