1/7/17 The Spiritual and Fleshly III

Saturday, January 7, 2017


Part 3

Rom. 8:5-6

Morning Meditation 1/7/17

This mornings meditation is being prepared from the Hill Top Inn in Springdale, Ark. I am on my way to Attica Kansas for a Mission Conference with Bro. Bobby Franklin that begins tonight and goes through Sunday. Those of you who read this in time, please remember this meeting in prayer.

Verse 5-6 says, “For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”

We ended on verse four in our last study: “That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” The righteousness of the law is fulfilled in “US” Paul says, “who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” There is going to be a change in personal pronouns in this chapter that we need to watch. Paul does not walk after the flesh. To walk after the flesh is to live a living death we will discover. So Paul identifies himself with those who walk after the Spirit. He explains the walk after the Spirit to a walk after the flesh by explaining the differences. First He says there is a,


The first difference is the way the flesh thinks. “For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh . . .” The words “For they” is a change from “us” in verse 4. He is talking about “flesh” which is the fallen nature that is alienated from God. This is what makes the unsaved man what he is. He is of the world and his thoughts are selfish and egocentric. He seeks things in life that exalt him. When he helps others he expects something in return. The word “after” means “to follow.” The word “flesh” translates the word “sarx” and “denotes mere human nature, the earthly nature of man apart from divine influence, and therefore prone to sin and opposed to God.” The context of this passage clearly identifies that this word describes the fallen nature of man that is unreconcilable to God.

The words “do mind” translates “phroneo” and means “ to feel, to think.” It has to do with one’s opinion. It is a present active indicative verb. This means that the “flesh,” that is the fallen nature of man, operates continuously by its own volition (active voice) continuously (present tense). The flesh does not seek after God and does not like to think about God. Romans 1:28 says, “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.” The words “do mind the things of the flesh” describe a sphere of thinking. They are being led by this fallen nature. This is the reason as we see the degeneration of mankind, we see the filth on television that people unashamedly confess, i.e., a woman’s right to abortion, gay acceptance, vulgar base language, and innumerable things that people do and practice that are expressly forbidden by the Word of God. To find something good on TV is like trying to find a diamond in a sewer.

Paul then declares the difference in the Spiritually minded. He says, “But they that are after the Spirit . . .” The word “are” is the translation of the present participle of the to be verb “I am” and refers to “being.” So it is not just actions that is being referred to. It is an act out of one’s being. The unsaved man acts as he does because he is what he is. The saved man walks after the Spirit because of who he is. The saved are “in the Spirit” and not “in the flesh” according to verse 9. I will wait to comment on this verse.

Those who walk after the Spirit do mind the things of the Spirit. We listen to the Spirit. One of the ways this happens is through our personal reading of the Word of God. Then we sit in classes where the Word is being taught, or, in as service where the Word is being preached. We learn what the Spirit has to say through the Word of God. Then we apply it to our lives. That is minding the things of the Spirit.

Then we have the Holy Spirit indwelling us. The one who walks after the Spirit is continually sensitive to the promptings of the Spirit from within. Ephesians 4:30 says, “And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.” The Holy Spirit grieves over our wrong thoughts and actions. We can feel that grief. The one who walks in the Spirit repents immediately when he senses that the Holy Spirit is grieved over some thought or action. Paul also gives a good guide to go by in Colossians 3:15: “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.” The word “rule” is the translation of a word that means “umpire.” The one who walks after the Spirit allows the peace of heart that He gives to act as Umpire with reference to the walk. How many times have I said, “I don’t have peace about doing this or that.” Any time I have violated that peace, I have ALWAYS learned too late that I should have listened to the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Peace. Paul says there is a difference in the way the “flesh” thinks and the “Spirit” thinks. The believer has a choice, the unbeliever doesn’t. The only choice the unbeliever has is to become a believer in Christ as his personal Saviour. Then he is no longer in bondage to the flesh.


This is brought out in verse 6: “For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” The word “carnally” translates “sarx” the same word that is translated “flesh.” The words “to be minded” is the translation of “phronema” and refers to “thoughts and purposes.” When the flesh is in control of one’s thoughts and purposes, Paul identifies this as “death.” What is death? We normally think in terms of a body in a coffin and being buried in a cemetery. Death is the cessation of life. A person can be dead while alive in the body. 1 Timothy 5:6 says, “But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth.” Paul said to the Christians in Ephesus, “And you hath he quickened (made alive), who were dead (in the past) in trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1). The Christians in Ephesus were not in a literal grave yard when this happened. They lived death. I don’t know a better way to put it.

Then Paul adds the contrast, “But to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” You will notice that the word “spiritually” is not in caps. It is the translation of “pneuma,” not “pneumatikos” that is normally translated “spiritually.” It is a reference to the Holy Spirit. I believe that our King James Bible is correctly translated because I believe the contrast here is speaking of the mind of the Holy Spirit indwelt believer, to the mind of the unbeliever. The believer whose mind is open to and in submission to the Holy Spirit is what Paul calls “spiritually minded.” It is absolutely wonderful that we as believers can and should be constantly receiving information and direction from Jesus Christ through the indwelling Holy Spirit. This is what the Bible calls “life and peace.” You will notice that the verb “is” is in italics. This means that it is not in the Textus Receptus from which our KJV is the translation. It is added by the translators for the purpose of understanding. The literal translation is “For to be carnally minded death; but to be spiritually minded life and peace.” For the mind to be controlled by the flesh is death. This is what death is. It is death to God. God has nothing to do with the mind of the flesh. On the other hand to have the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace. This is what life is. This is what peace is. Life and peace is associated in this verse. We are not only reconciled to God by the death of Jesus on the cross, we are given peace within from an experiential standpoint. There is no peace in the realm of death. The realm in which the unsaved world lives is death. They are experiencing a living death. Everything they put out has to do with death. We will discover in the verses to follow that it is possible for a person to be alive in the Spirit and walk after the flesh. When this happens, what he does belongs to the realm of death.

May the Lord bless these words to our hearts.

In Christ

Bro. White

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