2/15/16 Standing Against Terror

Sunday, February 14, 2016


Titus 1:9-13

Morning Meditations 2/15/16

Paul addresses Titus a son in the common faith. He admonishes him in verses 9 to 13. He says, “Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers. For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;

This is instruction to Titus on how to instruct those who will be placed in leadership over the flock (vs 7) or local churches. The words “Holding fast” (antechomai) translate a Greek word that means “to hold before or against, hold back, withstand, endure.” It is a present middle participle. It means these men who are ordained to the pastorate of these assemblies are to be grounded in the Word and take the Word and hold it forth against those who are in error.. They are to continue (present linear action verb-form) to stand against those in error. The church of our day does not want a ministry that exposes error. I have often told people that I have a bigger negative post on my battery that positive. It is easier to be negative than to be positive. Frankly, I must admit I have a problem getting depressed around a person who is always criticizing people who are in error even though I do not disagree with them. I know that we must stand against error. Paul is saying that it is right and proper for us to be outspokenly against error. It doesn’t make any difference what my preference is. God is instructing preachers here. What I am saying is that all of us would rather be positive and never have to take a stand exposing error but that is not God’s way. We must be willing to hold forth the Word of God against error. And we have plenty of it today.

The words “the faithful word as he hath been taught” are revealing. The word of God is called “the faithful word.” The word “faithful” is an adjective and it is telling us that the Word of God can be counted on. It is faithful to tell the truth and expose error. The Word of God is the standard of right and wrong. Why is right right? It is right because God says it is right. Why is wrong wrong? It is wrong because God says it is wrong. God’s word is faithful. The words “As he hath been taught” (didache) translate a noun. The word means “teaching,” i..e. according to the teaching. These men Titus was instructed to ordain had been taught the Word of God. When they are ordained to the pastorate it becomes their responsibility to hold forth the faithful Word as they had been taught and to hold it forth against error. I was teaching all the adults in a church I was pastoring in Southern California. It had been the practice of the church to have an open discussion of the things taught. We had a man in the church that believed in tougues. He was a good man. But he did not hold the right views on the subject. I had been taught the truth about tongues. He would try to comment on what I was teaching and insert this false doctrine. As he did, I would take the faithful Word and set it before the class. It wasn’t long before the people in the class began to see this man’s error. When this man saw that his ideas were exposed by the Word, he either had to conform or leave. He left. Paul is telling Titus that pastors or missionaries who are ordained are to stand against error.

The words “that he may with sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayser” state the purpose. The word “sound” (hugiaino) means healthy. We get our word hygiene from this word. The word “doctrine” is referring to the teaching they had learned. This teaching would produce spiritual health in those who heard. The word “exhort” (parakaleo) means “to address, speak to, (call to, call upon), which may be done in the way of exhortation, entreaty, comfort, instruction, etc.” The word “convince” (elegcho) means “to convict, refute, confute; generally with a suggestion of shame of the person convicted.” The word “gainsayers” (antilego) means “to speak against.” It is referring to those who were speaking out against the truth that had been previously taught. The word “convince” shows the possibility that the truth might actually change some of those who are in error. If there is hope for the man in error it will be exposure to the truth by someone who is bold enough to oppose his false teaching with the truth.

Verse 10 says there were many in that day who were teaching error. Verse 11 says “Whose mouths must be stopped.” The word “stopped” (epistomizo) means “to stop the mouth or reduce to silence.” It is present tense and means now. Paul is saying it will not go away on its own. It must be dealt with now. This action is to take place in the assembly. You can’t keep a heretic from going down the street and starting his own church. But you can keep him from doing it in the local church. It is the pastor’s or missionaries responsibility to do this. You don’t bring it before the church for a vote!

Verse 11 exposes one of the motivations of these false teachers: “for filthy lucre’s sake.” They are doing it for money. Error has always found better financial support than the truth. The reason being is that error appeals to the reason and the flesh. It always has and always will. I think about the missionaries who are really trying to follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit and practice Scriptural principles trying to work in the same town or area where one of these hirelings is working. The hireling is well financed and people flock to hear him because his appeal is to the flesh. The man of God has a problem writing a prayer letter because he is not having apparent success. He is preaching the truth. He is where God has called him and doing what God has called him to do. But he can’t honestly make the glowing report that the hireling does. You say, “Preacher, that doesn’t happen.” It happens every day that we breathe God’s air.

Well this has been a negative meditation. But it was taken from Titus chapter 1. So, if I have a problem with it I’ll have to take it up with Paul. I’ll have to say, “Paul did God really tell you to tell Titus to tell the pastor’s you ordain to be this negative?” Paul will reply, “Amen.”

May God bless this to our hearts.

In Christ

Earl White

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