Col. 3:5-7
Morning Meditation 4/9/2015
Verse 5-7 says, “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them.”
We have just discussed our throne life in Christ. We are risen with Christ and are instructed to seek those things which are above. We are to devote our affections to heavenly things. We have been informed that we are dead already and our life is hidden with Christ in God. We are assured that when He appears at His return that we will appear with him. But what about the reality of now? All that we have just said is true and it is to influence our present lives on this earth in a practical way. But what about that part of us that did not change when we were saved? We can’t say they are not real. They are only too real. Sometimes I wish that I could take my FLESH or MEMBERS as it is called here to the Lord and say, “Lord, would you fix this part of me too? It’s not working right. I’ve tried to train it Lord, but it won’t mind. Would you please do something to it to make it mind?” The Lord just simply says, “No, I won’t fix it. I won’t save it. What I will do is to make you a new body but you will have to wait until the resurrection or the rapture to get it.” But you say, “Lord, what will I do in the meantime?” The Lord says, “I told you in Colossians 3:5 what to do. Go to work on it.. I will help you.”
One of the things that is very clear to me in the New Testament is that I am not the man I used to be, but I am living in the same body. Something is happening in this body that is no longer me (Rom. 7:17,20). What can I do about it? Let’s look at what Paul says,
Paul says, “Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth . . .” The word “mortify” translates “nekroo” and means, “to make dead, to put to death, slay.” It is an aorist active imperative verb. The aorist tense suggest sudden and once-for-all action. I am not suggesting that the evil inclination can be put away so that it will not return. However, one can adopt an attitude of mortification toward the members that are used of sin to defile the Christian. I am living in that body as a “new man” and Christ is living in the new man. So the body is a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19-20). The Lord enables me to have something to say about what goes on in the body. He says, “Mortify therefore your members which are upon earth.” The verb “mortify” is also imperative mood. This is a command that expresses urgency. The first four verses of the chapter identifies our new position in Christ. It also identifies our new Commander. We are under His Lordship and now through the inspiration of the Scriptures He gives a command and this command expresses urgency.
Why is it so urgent for us to obey this command. If the members are allowed to function under the control of the old sin nature, what will happen will neutralize any witness that we give of the saving grace of God. The flesh is not changed and its desires have not changed. The habits that we had before we were saved do not go away easily. While we are not saved by quitting these things, they are not the things that please the Lord and we begin to move as believers to rid ourselves of those things that displease Him.
The words “which are upon the earth” are put in contrast to the heavenly life described in verses 1-4. There is a right attitude to have toward our throne life. Then there are proper actions that we are to take as Christians toward our earthly lives. Paul is describing proper conduct for believers. Next he names,
The word “fornication” translates “porneia” and means according to Strong’s in Online Bible, “illicit sexual intercourse, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals etc.” The word “fornication” can cover the whole family of sexual sins. Some try to limit its meaning to “sex before marriage” but I believe this word covers the whole family of sexual sins. The word “fornication” in 1 Cor. 5 covers the unmarried man who was fornicating with his step mother. Both were covered by this word. The Bible is clear when it identifies this sin as one of the difficulties that saved people have to deal with. 1 Thess. 4:3 says, “For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication.” Why the need to warn against this sin? It was common then and it is now. It is not acceptable behavior for the Christian. Paul says “Mortify” it.
The word “uncleanness” translates “akatharsia” and means in a moral sense, “the impurity of lustful, luxurious, profligate living. It is used of impure motives.” It is hard to pin this word down to one meaning. It would include all suggestive language and improper conduct a man or woman has toward the other. This is not the way Christ wants His bride to conduct herself. Paul says “Mortify” it..
The words “inordinate affection” translate “pathos” and mean, “a feeling which the mind suffers, an affliction of the mind, emotion, passion.” Kittel says, “The basic meaning of this root word is to experience something that comes from outside.” This could mean the uncontrolled lust one has because of what he views. This could include any view of the opposite sex dressed (or not dressed at all) inappropriately. Paul says “Mortify it.”
The word “evil” translated “kakos” and means, “of a bad nature.” The word “concupiscence” translates “epithumia” and means “desire, craving, longing, desire for what is forbidden, lust.” The old sin nature has a depraved desire and it is seen in the constant pouring forth of vulgar talk about sex. Paul says “Mortify” it.
The word “covetousness” translates “pleonexia” and means, “a greedy desire to have more.” The word “is” is a present tense verb and the word “idolatry” translates “eidololatreia” and means, “the worship of false gods.” Paul says “a greedy desire to always be wanting more is the worship of a false god (idolatry). Paul says “Mortify” it.
Verse 6 says, “For which things’ sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience.” The word “wrath” translates “orge” and means, “anger, the natural disposition, temper, character.” The things listed here are against the very being of God. God doesn’t just act holy, He is holy. This is the reason sin must incense Him to wrath because it is against who He is. The word “cometh” is a present tense verb and means that it is moving toward the offender at the present time. God’s wrath is closing in at the present time on the children of disobedience.
Paul says, “In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them.” When Paul listed the sins in verse 5 he knew he was writing to some who did these things before they were saved. The words “ye walked” is aorist tense verb suggesting that it is over. People who are saved have a past that is left behind. Even the thief on the cross began to argue against the thief that he was agreeing with at the beginning of the crucifixion. When one repents of his sins (and no one can be saved without it) he talk and walks differently. You will see a change in his life.
The words “ye lived” is an imperfect tense and the imperfect tense represents continuous action in the past without any indication of it ending. Paul said you didn’t only take some steps in this way of life, it is the way you continually lived.
Is there a past tense to your life that can be explained like this, i.e., this is what I used to do? I don’t do it any more. I understand that this would not be quite as noticeable in children who are converted at an early age. And too much emphasis can be put on the time and place (though there has to be one). One can clearly see the difference in the way a yielded Christian thinks and acts from the unsaved people around him.
Thank the Lord we died with him to this old life and we are seated with Him in the heavenlies now. We have already been delivered from future condemnation (Rom. 8:1). Now we are free and have the power of His Presence to “mortify” our members that are upon the earth that He might be seen in us.
May the Lord bless these words to our hearts.
In Christ
Bro. White